Robotics & Robots
KNOWLEDGE, DESIGN, INTERACTION, IMPACTRobotics & Robots is an innovative, certified, and completely free online program that brings together over 30 internationally renowned experts and their research teams to reshape the landscape of robotics, offering an integrated knowledge ecosystem between theory and practice that overcomes the traditional barriers to learning.
The program is effectively completed by a series of four volumes that focus on the paradigms of modern robotics: Knowledge, Design, Interaction, Impact. The four books are edited by Professor Bruno Siciliano and are published by Springer Nature.
Thanks to a multimedia environment rich in texts, videos, case studies and practical exercises, you will acquire advanced skills related to human‒robot interaction in various application sectors, such as terrestrial, aerial, underwater and medical robots. You will also delve into the ethical, legal and sociological implications of the growing presence of robots in our society, in order to contribute responsibly to the development of robotics.
In the digital age, robotics has unveiled a wide range of scenarios that contribute to transforming the way we live and interact with the world. By combining knowledge from research fields such as biomechanics, haptic perception, augmented reality, virtual prototyping, sensor networks, neuroscience and machine learning, robotics continues its evolution in the name of a strong interdisciplinarity. Alongside it, artificial intelligence (AI) amplifies its potential, opening new frontiers of innovation.
This comprehensive program is designed for senior graduate students, PhD candidates, robotics researchers, and scientists in engineering and applied sciences, as well as for startup founders and entrepreneurs passionate about robotics and AI.
In a world where robotics represents one of the most promising frontiers of innovation, Robotics & Robots is the bridge to new opportunities, a chance to transform your passion for technology into concrete skills. Prepare for new challenges thanks to a path that will keep you up to date with the latest innovations.

Number of courses
2 courses

22 weeks

Senior graduate students and PhDs in engineering and applied sciences;
robotics researchers and scientists from related disciplines; startuppers and entrepeneurs in robotics and AI




Federica Web Learning – University of Napoli Federico II
Robotics & Robots MOOCs
A state-of-the-art overview of the rapidly developing robotics science covering fundamental tools and applications of robots
1. Robotics in a Nutshell
Learn the pillars of robotics from history till modern sensing, modeling, control and safe human‒robot interaction techniques.
Coming soon
Contributors: Siciliano/Khatib, Nüchter/Borrmann, Villani, Beetz, Burgard/Stachniss/Grisetti, Malzahn/Bertram/Muster, Laschi, Vendittelli, Harada, Prattichizzo/Malvezzi/Pozzi, Caccavale, Marchal/Pacchierotti.
2. Robots in Action
Take in a thorough overview of the most challenging applications of robots in emerging contexts and sectors.
Coming soon
Contributors: Croft, Vitiello, Lima, Song, Dario/Masiero/Cavallo/Ciuti, Ollero/Heredia, Lampariello, Antonelli, Murphy, Tamburrini.

What you will learn?
- the basic principles of design and modeling of robotic systems;
- the advantages of using robotic systems and their innovation potential;
- the basic tools of robotics in terms of methodologies and technologies;
- the practical use of robotics in different work contexts;
- the interaction of robotic tools with the surrounding environment;
- the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications.
Your Learning Experience





La sinergia con Springer Nature, gruppo editoriale scientifico leader a livello internazionale nella pubblicazione di libri accademici, ha portato allo sviluppo di progetti congiunti per la promozione e disseminazione di prodotti ad alto valore culturale, come la produzione di MOOC&BOOK, testi affiancati da un learning space integrativo online, su Federica Web Learning. Di grande impatto il progetto Robotics & Robots che vede il coinvolgimento di decine di esperti del settore, coordinati dal Prof. Bruno Siciliano.